A plea to artists
A plea to artists to save humanity. Why and how we can do it.
A lot changes in the fast paced world of music and audio production. As we encounter new things that either we are doing, or directly affect musicians and our clients, we will post articles and share information here. Keep an eye on this space as it changes quickly.
A plea to artists to save humanity. Why and how we can do it.
Enjoy this quick update video on the progress made in our studio, and some information on our construction methods.
The following video was put together to give an overview of some of our construction progress in 2024. So much more has happened since, but you might enjoy watching what it takes to build a world class studio in the center of Mexico!
A message for everyone - particularly a challenge - as we pass one year on a Grigorian calendar and enter a new one.
Our society today, driven mainly by profit motivation, is devaluing music and art at levels never seen before. If artists don’t take necessary steps to protect their art & careers, there will be no art - just consumable content driven by the appetite of data centers for more files. This post should serve as a warning and notice of what is happening and what musicians can do to protect their future.
In an effort to support truly decentralized audio storage, and to remove reliance on any centralized streaming services that do not reward creators in any meaningful way, we are moving all of our streaming audio to the decentralized and blockchain based Audius platform. If you don’t know about Audius, you should. This platform uses a decentralized storage model based on IPFS, which stores all of its files across the Internet on hundreds of thousands of participating servers. This removes the power position any one player has (I’m talking about you Spotify), and makes a closer connection between the artist & the audio creations that they produce.
With a cast of over 9 superb musicians, Doug Robinson is putting on a show at the Angela Peralta Theater in San Miguel de Allende and has Troubled Clef Productions running sound and recording this epic event.
On April 1st, 2024, the US Department of Homeland Security updated their VISA application fees for immigration for Performing Artists who wish to come to the United States to perform by 250%. This means for a small band of 4 members, and maybe 1 or 2 support personnel, the total cost of applying to come to the USA is in excess of USD $10,000 now.
We are happy to announce that the US Patent & Trademark office have awarded us the Trademark “Troubled Clef” for use in commerce going forward. We hope you will hear a lot about Troubled Clef in the future and it all started here.